Editor's Pick: Maker Faire

Combine three parts Thomas Edison, two parts Martha Stewart, and whole lotta MacGuyver and you might get within a hundred feet of what Maker Faire is all about.

Last year's event at the Henry Ford in Dearborn was the ultimate celebration of the handmade, homemade, and insanely innovative. This year will, no doubt, be equally inspired. It should prove to be the Woodstock of science fairs, a veritable Lollapalooza for freaks, geeks, and evil geniuses.

There year brings back the life-sized version of Mousetrap, more flame-spewing vehicles, and the world's largest Coke meets Mentos experiment. It also features a forest of mannequins, Robbie the Robot, a roving automaton that streams audio and video, local makers of every stripe, workshops and demonstrations, and pretty much anything a tech nerd with ADD could hope for.

Created by the publishers of MAKE Magazine and makezine.com, Maker Faire draws hundreds of participating tech and DIY enthusiasts and tens of thousands of spectators. You should be one of them!

Ticket prices at $28 for adults (13-61), $19 for youth (5-12), and $26 for seniors (62+) can be purchased now. Children 4 and under are free. Prices for a two-day pass are $48 for adults, $33 for youth, and $45 for seniors.

Members of The Henry Ford receive free admission to Henry Ford Museum and can purchase Maker Faire tickets at a discounted price. For more information, please call 313-982-6001 or visit www.thehenryford.org/makerfaire.

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