Mahindra GenZe expands Ann Arbor operations, plans to hire

Mahindra GenZe opened a technical center in Ann Arbor a little more than a year ago, creating a couple dozen white collar jobs. Now the Indian-based scooter manufacturer is opening a manufacturing facility and looking to hire couple dozen blue collar workers.

"We will begin hiring for those soon," says Terence Duncan, head of consumer engagement for Mahindra GenZe.

The division of the multinational company Mahindra and Mahindra is designing and manufacturing a scooter, and is choosing to do so in the Ann Arbor area. It opened its engineering and design center in Ann Arbor and has hired 26 people for it over the last year.

Mahindra GenZe plans to invest up to $2 million in its manufacturing facility, a move that is expected to create 34 new jobs over the next year. Duncan expects that work to begin this spring and go through the summer and early fall.

"We should be up and running, shipping our product by late fall," Duncan says.

Location turned out to be a big factor in Mahindra GenZe’s decision to locate in Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor SPARK helped make the deal happen, highlighting the area's strengths and strategic location, among other qualities.

"All of the suppliers we needed are in southeast Michigan and northwestern Ohio," Duncan says. "It's just a great location."

Source: Terence Duncan, head of consumer engagement for Mahindra GenZe
Writer: Jon Zemke

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